Teaching Assistants:
Dolphins: Mrs K. Lancaster / Turtles: Mrs G. Vardy
Our Curriculum
Our learning journey in Y2 is a blend of year group and whole school projects. Below is a short description of each project accompanied by the project planners, which details the key texts, vocabulary, subject coverage and expected outcomes.
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 – Were children’s lives better in Victorian Times
Autumn 2 – What is a spitfire and how did the community help to build planes in WW2?
Autumn 3 – How did the Victorians celebrate Christmas?
We then go back to the Victorian period to learn about traditions that the Victorians introduced at Christmas time that we still have today. We compare and contrast Christmas now and then.
Spring Term
Spring 1 – Can we live on Mars?
The whole school begins the Spring Term with a Space project.
Spring 2 – Is it better to be a seed or an egg?
Spring – Why does Easter Matter to Christians?
Summer Term
During the Summer Term, the theme for the whole school is ‘Look Around.’ Learning across the whole school is led by Geography.
Is Henfield a village, town or city?
Our Timetable
Reading in Year 2 is initially taught using RWI. The children are grouped according to ability and follow the RWI colour banded texts. Children take home linked RWI texts and book banded books. Children are encouraged to read these books three times to develop fluency and accuracy. For more information on RWI please visit
Once the children are fluent readers and reach blue or grey groups they move to guided reading whereby they develop their comprehension and inference skills. The children visit the school library once a week to select books to read at home, often books to be shared with an adult. There is also opportunity in the school year to visit Henfield Library. Children have a daily story read to them and a cosy book corner promotes a love of reading.
Other useful websites:-
Maths is taught following the White Rose scheme of work. Children use practical apparatus to support their learning before moving onto develop mental methods. A mastery approach is used to ensure key concepts are embedded and children have quick recall of number facts.
Useful websites –