St. Peter’s is fully open to all pupils and normal start and finish times (8:45 – 3:15) are in operation .
Our Current Risk Assessment for school opening can be found here
All adults who are fully vaccinated and children aged 5 to 18 years and 6 months, identified as a contact of someone with COVID-19 – whether Omicron or not – should take a lateral flow device (LFD) test every day for 7 days instead of self-isolating. Daily testing by close contacts will help to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Daily testing for contacts of COVID-19 will help protect education settings by reducing transmission and will also help keep pupils in face-to-face education.
Once notified by NHS Test and Trace as a close contact, all eligible staff, pupils and students should take an LFD each day for 7 days and report the results through the Online Reporting Systemand to their setting. If they test negative, they can continue to attend their education setting. Outside of the education setting, they should continue to follow the advice set out in the Sunday 12 December press release. This approach should also be adopted over the winter break and on return in January.
If they test positive, they should self-isolate and order a PCR testto confirm the result. If the PCR is positive, they must self-isolate for 10 days. If the PCR test is negative, they no longer need to self-isolate but should continue to carry out the remainder of the daily tests, and only need to isolate if it is positive.
Children under five years old do not need to take part in daily testing for contacts of COVID-19 and do not need to isolate.
Outbreak Management Plan January 2022
L – Parents re Returning to School 8.3.21
L – Parents re Home Learning Arrangements
L – Parents from Paul Wagstaff 7.1.21
Remote learning will be set via Google Classroom. This video shows how to log in to and use Google Classroom.
This video explains the key information for parents/carers contained in the Remote Learning Policy
Our Child Protection Policy Annex for the current school closure can be found here.
Details of how we plan to use the Coronavirus (Covid 19) catch-up premium we receive is outlined in the Covid Catch Up Plan 2020-2021 can be found here

L – Parents re Returning to School 8.3.21
L – Parents re Home Learning Arrangements
L – Parents from Paul Wagstaff 7.1.21
Remote learning will be set via Google Classroom. This video shows how to log in to and use Google Classroom.
This video explains the key information for parents/carers contained in the Remote Learning Policy
Our Current Risk Assessment for school opening can be found here
Should we have to close a bubble due to a positive case, the school will contact you via text if your child needs to be collected owing to being a close contact. A close contact is defined as:
- sharing households (ie family members),
- direct skin to skin contact,
- sharing a vehicle for any length of time,
- being in close proximity i.e. less than 2 meters for 15 minutes in total, or less than 1 meter for 1 minute.
Should your child get a positve result on either a lateral flow test or a PCR test you contact the school immediately via email at this address
The current advice is:
Anyone who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should book a PCR test and self-isolate. LFD tests are not recommended for children under the age of 11. Anyone who tests positive with a Lateral Flow Device (LFD) should have a PCR test to confirm whether or not they have COVID-19 with 2 days.
Our Child Protection Policy Annex for the current school closure can be found here.
Details of how we plan to use the Coronavirus (Covid 19) catch-up premium we receive is outlined in the Covid Catch Up Plan 2020-2021 can be found here