Seals Class
Teaching Assistants
Y5 Seals: Miss L. Carroll / Y5 Penguins: Mrs S. Bull
Our Curriculum
Our learning journey in Year 5 is a blend of year group and whole school projects. Below is a short description of each project accompanied by the project planners, which details the key texts, vocabulary, subject coverage and expected outcomes.
Autumn Term
Autumn 1: What is the legacy of the Romans?
To answer the enquiry question the Year 5 children explore how the Romans left their mark and still impact on our lives today. We delve deeper into Roman leisure activities, their use of currency and discuss the origins of our calendar.
The children have the opportunity to develop their research skills, both on the internet and through reading high quality non-fiction texts. This research along with the exploration of primary and secondary sources prepares the children to create posters showcasing the Roman Legacy.

Autumn 2: What role di women play in World War 2?

Spring Term
Spring 1 – How de we get day and night?
The whole school begins the Spring Term with a Space project.

Spring 2 – How does the Moon affect Earth?

Spring 3 – What did Jesu do to save human beings?
For the last 3 weeks of the Spring Term the whole school focus on learning about a different aspect of Easter.

Summer Term
During the Summer Term, the theme for the whole school is ‘Look Around.’ Learning across the whole school is led by Geography.
What makes an ideal place to settle?

Our Timetable

In Year 5 children should be reading widely, exploring a variety of high quality texts, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The children are still expected to retrieve information from a text, however the curriculum now focusses on building inference skills, forming opinions around a text and identifying how language and structure can contribute to meaning.
We encourage all the children to read for pleasure and many daily activities take place to nurture a love of reading. From making cosy reading spots in the classroom to book battles amongst friends, the children have the opportunity for lots of ‘book talk’.
We continue to use Accelerated Reader in Year 5. The children strengthen their reading comprehension and move towards their reading targets through the completion of quizzes.
Useful websites include:
In Year 5, the children continue to develop as a writer, becoming increasingly independent and creative. The children study a variety of model texts, before planning, drafting and publishing their own pieces with an increased focus on audience, and building cohesion within and across paragraphs. Pupils are expected to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary and write using a considered mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences. There is a list of spellings for years 5 and 6 and these can be found on the following website.
The maths curriculum includes developing understanding of number to 1,000, 000. Pupils will consider using a range of efficient methods, including mental maths, partitioning and bar models to represent and calculate answers. They will also develop their use of formal written column methods for calculations using all four number operations. Children are also expected to make sensible estimates and use inverse operations to check their answers.
Following learning in Year 4, children will rapidly apply their knowledge of times tables to calculate with larger numbers and work with fractions, decimals and percentages. The children will also develop their understanding of perimeter, area, shape, drawing graphs, negative numbers and measurement.
TT Rock Stars
Top Marks Hit the Button
Maths: 20 minutes maths each week. This will be set either online or on paper (alternate weeks)
Reading: 20 minutes reading each night
Spellings: Weekly spellings practice for a spelling test on Friday