Teaching Assistants
Seahorses: Mrs H. Minaldo / Puffins: Mrs H. Jackson
Our Curriculum
Our learning journey in Y1 is a blend of year group and whole school projects. Below is a short description of each project accompanied by the project planners, which details the key texts, vocabulary, subject coverage and expected outcomes.
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 – What happens in Autumn?
Autumn 2 – What did people eat in WW2?
As part of our whole school WW2 topic we explore what popel ate during WW2. In DT the children make and compare a WW2 recipe and compare to today’s food.
Spring Term
Spring 1 – What do we need to traavel to space?
The whole school begins the Spring Term with a Space project.
Spring 2 – Are we all the same?
Spring 3 – Why does Easter matter to Christians?
For the last three week of the Spring Term Y1 join together with the rest of the school for our whole school Easter project.
Summer Term
During the Summer Term, the theme for the whole school is ‘Look Around.’ Learning across the whole school is led by Geography.
Are all journeys different?
Our Timetable
We teach our main reading through the RWI phonics scheme. Children read in small groups with an adult at their level. They can also change their home reading book daily in class. We arrange regular library visits and the children also really enjoy reading with their book buddies from Year 5.
o view our Parents Guide to Read Write Inc, please click here
Writing in Year 1 is taught partly through the RWI phonics scheme where children are encouraged to sound out the words they want to write phonetically and apply their knowledge of what those sounds look like when written down.
Alongside this we follow a ‘Talk Through Stories’ approach which allows children to get to know a story well and learn and use the related vocabulary by discussing and talking about the story using full sentences. This then leads onto the writing, once the children have a secure knowledge and can clearly talk about what they are going to write.
Pieces of writing are also linked to the foundation subjects we cover.
Correct letter formation and neat handwriting is important and we practice this regularly to ensure children have a comfortable pen grip and handwriting style which will help them write with more stamina as they move through the school.
We teach Maths through the White Rose scheme which encourages a mastery approach to provide secure foundations to build on and ensure that the children have a good understanding of the basics of number before moving on.
Homework is set each week via the Seesaw app and it is the expectation that children complete and upload their work each week. In year 1 this will be:
Reading: daily reading of both their RWI phonics book and their home reading books
Maths: a weekly maths activity linked to the week’s maths objectives that have been taught that week.