At St. Peter’s our four core values, which are Respectful, Resilient, Resourceful and Aiming High, underpin everything we do and they run through our PSHE curriculum. We aim to provide a high quality curriculum for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) to promote each child’s personal and emotional development, whilst supporting their well-being in a safe and nurturing environment. We follow the Jigsaw PSHE Primary scheme which includes the statutory Relationship and Health Education. Parent information about this scheme can be found by clicking here. Through this, we will contribute to enabling our children to become successful, confident, self-motivated learners, who are responsible citizens. This will be achieved through:
- developing confidence, responsibility, resilience and self-esteem, where we value each individuals’ abilities and contributions,
- developing a healthier, safer lifestyle and increased awareness of these important elements, which will enable our children to make informed decisions throughout their lives,
- preparing to play an active role as citizens, becoming well-informed members of society,
- developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people.
Our PSHE Policy (including RHE) can be viewed by clicking here
Relationship Education, Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE)
From September 2020, Relationship and Health Education are compulsory in all primary schools. Sex Education is taught within our Science curriculum, but alongside our PSHE programme, and includes appropriate names of body parts and human reproduction. At St. Peter’s we follow the JIGSAW Scheme of Work and information about how RSHE is taught and what is taught in each year group can be found within this information pack for parents and carers. For all year groups RSHE is taught within the ‘Changing Me’ unit which happens in the Summer Term.
Information about our approach to teaching about LGBT can be found by clicking here
The Church of England is committed to an education that enables people to live life in all its fullness and so have produced a document entittled Valuing All God’s Children which helps schools to offer the Christian message of love, joy and the celebration of our humanity without exception or exclusion. This document can be found be clicking here.