Within the sections below are a range of links, videos, photos and information about what is happening with Literacy at St Peter’s and how children can be supported at home.
At St Peter’s, reading for pleasure is a key aspect of the curriculum and the basis for teaching children to read. We also have an expectation for all children in every year to read every day (see Home Learning schedule).
In EYFS and KS1, our core reading scheme is a mixture of simple and complex texts both fiction and non-fiction. Texts are organised into bands to enable tracking of reading progress but children are also encouraged to make free choices about the books they read.
Our phonics teaching, which enables children to quickly decode and read unfamiliar words, is daily for 20 mins and after Christmas is taught in differentiated phonic groups. Guided reading is a mixture of big books, other materials and now phonics bug books online.
While the staff aim to hear children read individually where appropriate, much of the formal teaching of reading throughout the school is delivered through ‘Guided Reading’ sessions. Guided reading is an interactive session that varies slightly as the children progress through the school. It currently stands as follows:
Within these Guided Reading sessions, children have the opportunity to read aloud with a small group and a teaching staff member, sharing in interpreting stories and understanding new vocabulary. For the other sessions, the children may work independently to develop core comprehension skills in tasks that are both relevant and purposeful in developing children’s reading skills.
In addition to this, KS2 children read independently every day and are able to choose their own book from a range of books held in their classrooms and in designated ‘reading areas’. These books are regularly changed and updated by the School’s Library Service.
A whole class text is often used to teach Literacy and engage children, usually within their half termly topics.
In both Key Stages, ‘Reading Rockets’ and ‘Shooting Stars’ are used as incentive schemes in KS1 and KS2 respectively. Children are encouraged to have their home reading records signed each time they read at home. When 30 times has been achieved, the children receive a ticket to either the Mad Hatters Tea Party, or a Chocolate Tea Party.
Reception and Year 6, Year 1 and Year 5 share book buddies. Once a week, the children meet to share a book with the older children helping the younger children to develop their reading strategies. It is another regular opportunity to share in the joys of reading.
Our English Writing Policy can be viewed by clicking here
Our Reading Skills Progression document can be view by clicking here
Our Writing Skills Progression document can be view by clicking here
Our Spelling Skills Progression document can be view by clicking here