Year 5 took a trip to see the Barratt Homes site in Henfield this week. We first had the chance to look round a show home – including inside the cupboards. After being issued with hard hats and reflective jackets, we listened carefully to the safety information, then went inside the building site and watched some houses being built. We learnt that it takes about 4 months to build a house. Finally, we all got the chance to help build a wall with bricks and mortar. It was harder than it looked!
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St Peter’s Primary School Open Week
If you have a child whose date of birth is between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015, it is now time to be considering where you would like your child to start their primary education.
St. Peter’s CofE (Aided) Primary School in Henfield is a warm, welcoming, inclusive and caring school, where all our staff are committed to ensuring that every child is given the opportunities to reach their full potential.
Our children learn in a fun, engaging, purposeful environment that is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils. Our broad and balanced curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to meet all National Curriculum requirements but also to learn from first-hand experiences and varied learning opportunities across a range of inspiring topics. All the work we embark upon at St. Peter’s follows our core values: Respectful, Resourceful, Resilient and Aiming High.
If St. Peter’s is one of your considered schools, then you are warmly invited to come along to one of our open week tours so you can meet the staff and children and hear about our plans for the future. Please telephone Alice (01273 492447) or email to book a place on one of the following tours with myself:
Monday 5th November: 5.00pm – 6.00pm
Tuesday 6th November: 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Wednesday 7th November: 9.15am – 10.15am
Thursday 8th November: 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Friday 9th November: 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Denise Maurice
Time Capsule Burial
Over the past few weeks Y3 have been working on a time capsule project with Barratt homes. This saw the children producing some really interesting work that we could ‘send to the future’. Our children collected a range of current toys, sweets, photos and magazines, all things that the children use today, and buried them with some really superb work that they had produced about our amazing village. The School Council, representing the school, along with Mrs Jewell and myself, were then fortunate enough to take them down to the new Barratt site and bury them. We even got to meet a superstar, Barry Barratt, who along with representatives from Barratt Homes, helped the children load the time capsule and then bury it. The capsule, which has a lovely plaque to mark its spot, will be opened in 60 years time, 2078, as Barratt homes are celebrating their 60th year of building houses. Our children had a great time on site and loved discussing how life will be when they are around 70 years old! It is amazing how different they think life will be! A big thank you to all of Year 3 and the parents who sourced sweets, fidget spinners, CD’s and even a board game and hard hat, all of which went into the capsule.
Year 2 trip to Pulborough Brooks
St Peter’s Homework Questionnaire
As mentioned in the newsletter last week, we have created a questionnaire to find parents/carers views about homework at our school. We would love to hear how you feel homework has been going this term, both the positives and the negatives. We would be very grateful if you could spare 5 minutes to complete this short online questionnaire. Please click the link below to access, you have until the end of June to share your views. We will look at all of the comments after this time.
Year R Springtime Egg hatching with Barratt Homes
Our Reception children had the pleasure of witnessing some baby chicks hatch from their eggs and grow, all thanks to Barratt Homes and their Springtime Activity for St Peter’s C of E Primary School. Below is a press release from Barratt Homes which gives more details about this fun and fluffy experience!
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Fundraising Achievements
Well done to one of our pupils Lilli-Mai, who recently raised money for the Sussex Wildlife Trust. She did so well that an article about her success was published in the Spring/Summer 2018 Sussex Wildlife Trust Wildlife magazine!

Progression in Maths Calculation
Please find attached a copy of our Progression in Calculation Policy. It sets out how the four main functions in mathematics are taught in school from Reception to Year 6.
We know some Parents/Carers have asked for this before and found it a useful document to look at. We are hoping to hold a maths event in the summer term involving as many Parents/Carers as possible so please keep an eye out for further communication on that coming soon.
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Adverse Weather Arrangements
With another weather warning being forecast for the next couple of days, a decision will be made by 8.00am everyday as to whether St. Peter’s will be closing with a text message and email being sent to all Parents/Carers and an update being posted on our website.
E-Safety Week
At St Peter’s we take e-safety very seriously and it plays a crucial part in the ICT curriculum. We recently held an afternoon dedicated to e-safety wehre parents were invited to meet with our Safeguarding Officer and ICT Subject Leader. For those parents that were unable to attend the presentation, the link to view a copy is below.
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